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Best Roulette Casinos 2025

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  • Check out all the variations of Roulette games
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What Makes The Best Online Roulette Casino?

Roulette has been around since the 17th century, and it’s a classic game to play in both online casinos and brick and mortar establishments. Both new and veteran players can benefit from either learning the basics or brushing up on their knowledge, so here’s your guide to all the essentials, from the history of roulette and payment methods to bonuses and FAQs.

Basic Rules For Playing Online Roulette

The main objective of roulette is to predict which numbered pocket on the wheel the ball will land in. The method is fairly simple: whether using a strategy or seeing which number ‘feels’ lucky to you, pick a number – or sequence of numbers – and place a bet on them. You can choose how little or how much you place on the bet. The more you bet, the more you could win – or lose. Conversely, the less you bet, the less you will lose – or win. Always stay within your budget or bankroll, so that you don’t leave the casino in financial difficulty.

Once all bets have been confirmed, the dealer will spill the roulette wheel in one direction and spin the roulette ball the other way. The suspense and excitement will grow as you wait for the ball to land in a particular slot. When it has stopped, you will know if you’ve won or lost, and receive any winnings you may be lucky enough to receive.

In an online casino, all you have to do is place your chips on the bet you want to make, then press the ‘Spin’ button. Then, you can either bet again by clicking ‘Rebet’ or abandon the game by clicking ‘Clear Bets’.

In a land-based casino, there will typically be four members of staff at the roulette table. This group comprises of two croupiers, who will handle the bets and spin the ball into the roulette wheel, and the ‘table end’ and ‘game supervisor’. These two people make sure the game runs without any hiccups.

There will typically be between 1 and 8 people present at a roulette table. Once the croupier calls ‘place your bets’, players will know the game has begun. Once the wheel has been spinning for a while, and has about two complete spins left before drawing to a stop, the croupier will call ‘no more bets’. Once the ball has ceased spinning, the croupier will announce the number. Winning bets are paid out, and losing bets are given up to the house.

Types of Roulette Bets

  • Straight Up Bet: This bet is placed on any single number, and has a payout of 35 to 1.
  • Split Bet: When a bet is placed on two adjacent numbers, resting on the line dividing them. The payout is 17 to 1.
  • Street BetAll three numbers in a row are bet on. The chip is placed on the line at the end of the row, and the payout is 11 to 1.
  • Corner BetA bet is placed on four numbers and positioned on the corner where they all touch. The payout provided is 8 to 1.
  • Line Bet: The player bets on six numbers – or two rows of three numbers. The chip is put on the end of the two rows. The payout is 5 to 1.
  • Column Bet: As the name suggests, this is a bet on an entire column. It’s placed on the 2-1 box at the end of the column, and its payout is 2 to 1.
  • Dozen Bet: This bet can be placed on either the first 12, second 12 or third 12 numbers, which each sit in their own boxes. The payout is 2 to 1.
  • Bet on Colour: One option is to bet on either all of the red numbers, or all of the black ones. In this instance, the chip will be placed on either the red box or the black box. The payout for this bet is 1 to 1.
  • Bet on Low/High: Finally, a player can bet on either all low numbers or all high numbers. This chip is placed on either the low or high box, and as with the Bet on Colour, the payout is 1 to 1

History of Roulette

It isn’t completely clear where roulette originates from, but many believe the concept came from the Wheel of Fortune. This wheel has its roots in medieval and ancient philosophy, where the goddess of fate would turn the wheel in order to show the rise and fall of a king. In itself, the wheel of fortune as an object represents luck, which is the key tenet of gambling.

Many believe that a primitive version of roulette was created by Blaise Pascal in the 17th century, as he endeavoured to find a perpetual motion machine. The roulette mechanism in itself is believed by many to be a hybrid of a gaming wheel which was invented in 1720 and Biribi, a game of chance which is similar to Lotto and played for low stakes.

18th century roulette

The first edition of roulette as it is played today was first seen in around 1796 in Paris. It was described in the French novel La Roulette, ou le Jour by Jaques Lablee. But some can trace it back to New France in Quebec, where regulations in 1758 banned the games of ‘dice, hoca, faro and roulette’.

In the late 1790s, the roulette wheels used in Parisian casinos would have red for the single zero and black for the double zero. However, starting in the 1800s, green was used for the zeros in roulette wheels.

Some early American roulette wheels featured numbers 1 to 28, a single zero, a double zero and an American Eagle. This Eagle slot symbolised American liberty; it was a house slot that provided the casino with an extra edge. However, this tradition didn’t last for long, and since then, the wheel has only featured numbered slots.

19th century roulette

Roulette rapidly rose in popularity during this time, and it was known as one of the most popular and famous casino games. The German government abolished gambling in the 1860s, but this was bypassed by the Blanc family, who moved to the final legal casino operation in Europe at Monte Carlo. The single roulette game became a premier option at this point, and was sent around the world – except for in the US, where the double zero still reigned supreme.

Cheating sometimes became a problem with US games, and the culprits would be both operators and gamblers. The French double zero wheel was placed on top of the table because of this, so that devices couldn’t be hidden within the table or wheel to rig the game. Gambling dens evolved across the new territories in America, and makeshift games were created, while the French game evolved separately at a leisurely and stylish pace in Monte Carlo.

20th century roulette

There were clear hubs for roulette action during the first part of the 20th century. Roulette fans could either go to Monte Carlo for games with the traditional single zero French wheel, or head to Las Vegas for a spin of the American double zero wheel. As this century progressed, roulette flourished around the world, with casinos offering this game globally during the 1970s. By 2008, several hundred casinos around the world offered roulette games. The double zero wheel was dominant in North and South America, Canada and the Caribbean, and elsewhere, the single zero wheel could be found. The first triple zero wheel was introduced by The Venetian Las Vegas in 2016, and it can be played in a few additional casinos now.

If one adds all the numbers on the roulette wheel – from 0 to 36 – they come to a total of 666, also known as the ‘number of the beast’. One legend states that Francois Blanc made a deal with the devil to discover the secrets of roulette.

History of American Roulette

Although the history of American roulette is intertwined with the European version, it also has a distinct story of its own.

The game was introduced by European settlers who landed in Louisiana in the early 19th century. It wasn’t a smooth operation, though, as casino owners wanted to increase the house edge from 5.26%. This led to players falling out of love with the game, due to their low earnings, and playing it less.

Furthermore, American gamblers rejected the single zero version of roulette, and this led to the edition we now know as American Roulette, which features a double zero.

Roulette through the ages

Despite the fact that many believe roulette has its roots in the 17th century, there are also records of those from ancient times playing various versions of the game. For example, many people believe that roulette is based on an ancient Chinese board game with 37 animal figurines that needed to be arranged into a magic square totalling 666 in number. It’s thought that Dominican monks who had a deep interest in Chinese life discovered the game and took a modified version over to Europe, where it developed further. These monks were said to have changed the basic layout shape, turning the square into a circle and adding a 0 slot.

Another culture associated with a version of roulette is ancient Rome, where soldiers would be provided with as many fun activities as possible by their commanders. This was to combat morale going down due to the gruesome sights they witnessed in battle. Activities included gambling games, one of which required players to spin a shield or chariot wheel – much like roulette.

A slightly different version of this has been observed in ancient Greek records, where soldiers would draw various symbols inside a shield before placing an arrow next to it on the floor and spinning it, placing bets on which symbol the arrow would fall next to.

Play Like An Expert & Learn Roulette Etiquette

  • If you’re located a fair distance from the roulette table, don’t throw your chips to it – ask someone to place them for you.
  • Always be sure to thank someone who does you a favour e.g. laying chips on a table.
  • Don’t bother other players with questions about the game – instead, watch a few sessions as a spectator, or carry out a few practice sessions online from home.
  • Don’t be too loud at the table – this includes speaking in raised tones, screaming in excitement at a win and mocking other players when they lose.
  • Avoid drinking too much – this can lead to inappropriate behaviour or poor decision making at the betting table, which can result in you losing more of your bankroll than you anticipated.
  • Don’t continue placing bets after the dealer has announced placement is closed.
  • When the dealer has closed bets, or is paying winners, don’t touch the chips or markers on the table.
  • Exchange your roulette chips for casino chips once you’re ready to move on, or they will lose their value immediately upon leaving the roulette table.
  • Find out if your casino allows dealer tipping and follow the rule – for example, in the US, tipping is common practice, but many European casinos have banned it

Roulette Table Limits

It’s important for players wanting to enjoy a real money game online to consider the table limit of the table they’ve chosen. On a basic level, it’s important to have a table limit that suits your budget, but it’s also good for those who follow specific strategies while playing. If you are using a high quality and reputable online casino, you will have a whole host of table limits to choose from.

As a general guide, table limits at most online casinos fall between 10p – $/€10,000 per table. This means that casual and occasional players will be able to find a roulette site that offers them a low-risk wager amount. Additionally, those who enjoy playing for high stakes will also discover a limit that suits them.

Live dealer casinos tend to be more flexible, offering both high and low table limits. Some live casinos offer high roller limits that can go up as far as $/€400,000.

This isn’t the only factor to consider – all roulette tables will place an internal wager limit on specific bets within every game. This is because the casino doesn’t want to risk paying out a huge amount because someone won a large wager with an equally large payout ratio.

You can also play online roulette with crypto. Bet limits tend to apply, so make sure you are up to speed with the rules at your casino.

Table Limit Meanings

With simple cases, the table limits in a game of roulette will refer to the minimum and maximum amount allowed for each bet. This is the format seen with the majority of online roulette games. However, there are some differences seen with live casino games, namely that the maximum bet limit displayed in the game lobby or on the table can be subject to one of two meanings.

Some casinos will only display the maximum limit for a certain type of bet, and these will have a payout of 1:1. This is part of the casino managing its risk, and avoiding a payout being so high the company would be impacted.

The other meaning is that the maximum table limit refers to the absolute maximum that can be bet per spin, and there will be maximum bets for each different type of bet being played.

Sometimes, land based casinos will offer a third scenario, whereby the minimum table limit is only true for certain kids of bet. Generally speaking, inside bets will have the lowest limits, and lower payout bets will have a higher minimum bet limit. This approach is taken by the casino to prevent large numbers of players from using low stakes.

This is one of the advantages of using an online casino, as it won’t be uncommon to find roulette variants that allow players to bet from as little as 10p on any kind of bet.

The most important thing to remember about table limits, overall, is that you need to fully understand the information before placing any bets with real cash. To help familiarise yourself with the rules, it could be worth playing the game with play money, which can help you understand exactly what kind of bets you can place once you move on to real money.

Types of Roulette

The three types of roulette are American, European and French. That being said, there are only two types of roulette wheel – American and European. The main difference is that the American one has 2 zeroes, and the European one only has one. Furthermore, they have different layouts, with each one displaying the numbers in different places across the wheel. The final main difference concerns house edge – while the American wheel has a house edge of 5.3%, the European wheel’s house edge is 2.7%, which is much more beneficial for the player.

European vs French vs American Online Roulette

Roulette table size and betting layout

While the American roulette table is typically 2.9m by 1.7m, the French one is a little larger, as it measures 3.3m by 1.8m.

The American roulette table features the wheel on the shorter side, with one dealer standing next to the wheel while the players sit opposite the wheel and also opposite the dealer.

Meanwhile, the French roulette table features two croupiers (or dealers) holding a 60cm rake sitting around the wheel on the shorter side. The players sit on the remaining sides of the table. Some French roulette tables are double in length, with a wheel in the center and two layouts for betting – one on each side of it.

The layout of the roulette table is also different depending on which version you play. While the American version has all outside bets laid out on the longer side of the table, the French tables have their outside bets split between the two long sides.

The racetrack

American tables are pretty common across Europe, and when one plays roulette with an American layout in this location, there will also be a racetrack representing the wheel. This is used for placing bets on Tiers, Zero play, Orphelins, Voisin du zero and neighbor bets. These are also known as ‘called bets’ as only the croupier can place them on the table once the player has instructed him/her to do so.

Called bets explained

Referred to by some as French bets, these are a niche category of wagers in roulette, seen most often at high-stake tables in land casinos. Instead of placing the chips on the table themselves, players ‘call’ what they want to bet and let the croupier do the work.

This task is only given to the professional dealers, as it allows players to bet on complex numerical combinations with ease.

Call bets are also put in place when there is a large crowd at a table, and a player cannot get close enough to put down the chips themselves.

Zero play

This bet originates in German gambling establishments, and involves placing a bet on seven numbers. These digits are those which are closest to the single-zero pocket on the wheel. The full sequence is 12, 35, 3, 26, 0, 32 and 15. 1 chip is staked as a split bet on 0-3, one is staked on the split between 12-15, another is staked as a straight up bet on 26 and the final one is staked on the split between 32-25.

Neighbors of Zero

Nine chips are taken and placed on several splits. Five are put on the 4-7, 12-15, 18-21, 19-22 and 32-35 splits, two are staked as a split bet where 0, 2 and 3 intersect, and the final 2 are a corner bet for 25, 26, 28 and 29.

Finales en Plein

Players bet on numbers ending with the same digit. Numbers which end in the digits 0-6 use four chips, and the numbers 7, 8 and 9 use three chips. The reason for this is due to only three numbers on the European roulette wheel having these three digits as the final digit.

Finales a Cheval

This bet is placed on splits of numbers ending with the same digit. Five chips are required for 0-1, 1-2, 2-3, 4-5 and 5-6, while four chips are needed for bets placed on 0-3, 1-4, 2-5, 3-6, 7-8 and 8-9. Finally, three chips are used on the pairs of 4-7, 5-8, 6-9, 7-10, 8-11 and 9-12.

Tiers du Cylindre

These bets cover a third of the wheel and involve chips being placed on 12 numbers between 33 and 27. There are six chips involved in this wager, and they are placed on the six splits of 5-8, 10-11, 13-16, 23-24, 27-30 and 33-36. The payout for this bet is 17 to 1.

Les Orphelins

There are two more sections of the wheel once the Tiers and Voisins have been allocated, and these eight numbers are targeted in the Les Orphelins bet. Four chips are placed on the splits 31-34, 17-20, 14-17 and 6-9, while the remaining chip is a straight up bet on 1.

Voisin du zero

This is one of the most popular types of call bet. It includes the 17 numbers between 22 and 25 on the wheel, so the complete sequence is 22, 18, 29, 7, 28, 12, 35, 3, 26, 0, 32, 15, 19, 4, 21, 2 and 25. It can only be used in European roulette as the numbers around the zero on an American wheel are arranged differently.

What’s the difference between called bets and announced bets?

Some may not realise the difference between called bets and announced bets. In many land casinos, call bets are banned because it’s considered betting on credit. This is because when players call the bets, there aren’t any chips on the layout already.

Announced bets, on the other hand, are accepted by many casinos, and high-stake players can call or announce bets if they have enough chips on the layout to cover their wagers.

It isn’t just land casinos where these complex bets can be placed, as many online casinos also offer this option. For example:

  • Betsoft: Common Draw Roulette
  • Microgaming: Diamond Premier Roulette
  • Playtech: 3D Roulette

In such games, the player would usually need to switch to expert or advanced mode to place call bets.

Additional rules

Technically speaking, although a European wheel exists, there are no European rules, which means that ‘European Roulette’ does not exist as a game. However, there are a few distinct rules which separate American roulette from French roulette:

American Roulette rules

When the ball lands on zero, all outside bets are lost.

French Roulette rules

  • When the ball lands on zero, one of two rules applies: En Prison or La Partage.
  • En Prison – Your money remains – or is jailed – for the next spin. However, if a zero is hit again, the bet is lost.
  • La Partage – You lose half of your bet, and the other half is returned to you. In the next spin, you can bet normally.


Additional Online Roulette Variants and Novelty Games

  • Mini Roulette is a popular option for many as they will be drawn to the appeal of a smaller wheel, believing it gives them more of a chance of winning. There are only 12 numbers plus zero to place a bet, which means that it’s almost three times more likely that you’ll pick a winning number. This is essentially a simplified edition of roulette, with fewer numbers – but all the same rules apply, so the basic principles aren’t too different. There aren’t as many betting options in this game as you’ll see in European or French Roulette. Some examples are facts such as dozen bets being replaced by half dozen bets. There is also a fairly simple table layout, too.  This all combines to make mini roulette a great choice for beginner players, who may find the number of bet options too complex to start with. Those who believe the likelihood of winning at mini roulette is more likely due to the smaller wheel should bear in mind that the payouts are adjusted so they are relative to the different size. Generally speaking, the RTP for Mini Roulette is lower than that seen in French Roulette, but it’s still higher than the RTP in American Roulette. The betting limit is also adjusted to fit the smaller version of roulette.
  • Monopoly Roulette Tycoon combines Monopoly with a classic game of roulette. You place bets on your favourite properties along a board game of Monopoly while spinning the roulette wheel. There are all of the standard bets you would expect to encounter in a standard game of roulette, plus several bonuses on the side which you can bet on and enhance your gameplay.All standard roulette bets can be placed in this game – single number, outside bets, inside, and racetrack bets. Once you’ve placed a bet on the Property Strip, you click the Spin button for the Monopoly bets to become active. You then need to place at least one roulette bet to start the game. There are 4 chances of activating the Monopoly Bonus, and this becomes triggered once the ball lands in a red pocket after a bet has been placed on the Property Strip. If the ball goes into a black pocket, the bonus won’t be triggered, although the current Monopoly Bet will still be active. If the ball lands on 0, all Monopoly bets are forfeited and removed from the Strip. Once the Monopoly Bonus is activated, there are 3 dice rolls available to the player. If you land on Community Chest or Chance Cards, several enhancements are on offer, such as get out of jail free cards, moving onwards to a property, going backwards or cash prizes.
  • Multi Wheel Roulette offers an intriguing and unique twist on the classic roulette game. There is more to grasp, but also much more to be gained in terms of winnings. You will wager on the outcome of eight roulette wheels simultaneously, and you can choose how many spin each time you take a turn. There is only one betting table, so you can’t place different bets for each wheel. Once you’ve made a bet, you collect your winnings from each wheel. Multi Wheel Roulette follows the instructions seen in European Roulette, which essentially means the casino edge is low and the RTP is pretty high.
  • Age of Gods Roulette allows you to place bets with a value between 0.10 and 1,000. There are four progressive jackpots in a standard game, and they can be worth over 100,000. In-game stats are available so players can improve their play.To get started, a player will need to bet at least 0.10 on a single number or combination of numbers, plus 1.00 or more on outside bets like red/black or columns. After making your picks and setting bets, just hit the spin button.Payouts range between 1:1 for outside bets and 35:1 for a single number. There are also bonus rounds available with this version of roulette. You can get access to these by betting on the bonus option. Placing at least 0.10 on the Age of the Gods Bonus bet and having it spin in will take the player to a three-reel slot game. Depending on the symbols the player matches, there’s a chance to win between 5x and 100x the original stake. As mentioned, there are also four progressive jackpots to look out for. These will trigger at random intervals, and it doesn’t matter which stakes are being played for. The mythical gods will reach down and pull the player up to a jackpot game in the sky, where mystery coins have to be uncovered in order to win one of the jackpots.
  • Pinball Roulette is based on the traditional European roulette game, following the same rules. Bets are placed on the table after the chips are displayed, and the spring loaded ball will be thrown at the pinball machine. Then it will rest in the pocket. If you receive a payout, you move on to the gamble round, where you have the chance of winning ten times your starting bet.This game is unique because it features a pinball machine instead of a roulette wheel. The ball will launch into the machine, then bounce off the metal pins until it rests on a particular pocket.The pockets in this instance are based on the traditional European roulette wheel. In the lower part of the machine, you will see a green zero, and then there are the other numbers as you would expect in a roulette game. A good bet will result in a player proceeding to the bonus round, where a separate machine loads with new choices on offer.

  • Prestige Roulette offers players a VIP casino experience. The ball spins around the wheel as with any other roulette game, but that’s not all. Tension is increased with tantalising features such as many camera angles, quick-fire betting rounds and a replay of the previous game win. The bet table can be displayed or hidden, and overall, the game features a high level of video quality and resolution.
  • New AR Roulette – It’s simple to get the basics of New AR Roulette. You have to try and predict where the ball will land after a wheel spin, and you can place multiple bets if you choose. Every correct bet wins a payout, and in New AR Roulette, there are two bets not seen in any other roulette game before.The additional bets unique to this roulette game are Even Red and Odd Black, and these pay out at 3:1. You just have to place your chips on the specified spot on the betting table to make your bet. You can also place standard bets, such as the single number bets, colours, high/low, split bet, corner bet and odds/even.
  • Turbo Roulette is a good option for those who like a charged roulette experience. Instead of spinning the wheel and waiting for the ball to land in a segment, the number will appear instantly, speeding up your gameplay and allowing you to make several bets in quick succession.
  • Speed Roulette is an incredibly fast edition of live dealer roulette, where game rounds take about 25 seconds between spins. Developed by Evolution Gaming, the table has multiple cameras to provide an immersive gaming experience, and the live dealers are specially trained to maintain this new, quicker pace of gameplay. Compared with Evolution’s Live Roulette and Immersive Roulette, players can get an additional 50 game rounds in due to the enhanced speed. Betting only takes place during the spin, and video based winning number recognition allows the dealer to begin the next spin once the previous spin’s winning number is captured.
  • Grand Roulette is best compared with a live French Roulette table. It has a high standard of graphics, detailed information screens and an overall high-quality experience. There is a bottom screen featuring a classic single zero table layout, and the player’s credits are displayed in stacked chips. Bets are indicated by markers on the roulette wheel, and the top screen displays a game history, including hot and cold numbers, which will help the player come up with a winning strategy.
  • Multiplayer Roulette Diamond Edition – This edition of roulette embraces the social aspect of online casino gambling. Players can chat with each other and zoom into the roulette wheel to see what other players have won. There is a controllable game speed, where you can activate 20, 40 or 60 second spins.As with many roulette variations, multiplayer roulette diamond edition is based on the rules of classic European roulette, so the numbers between 1 and 36 alternate between black and red. The additional single green 0 brings the total options up to 37.Common betting options are inside and outside bets, and call bets are also possible. Advanced wagering options include Les Orphelins, Tier Du Cylindre and Voisins Du Zero. Table limits will be different depending on the online casino you choose to play at.
  • Auto Roulette is a common draw European roulette game. Played on an automatic roulette wheel, it features a fully automated setup, with player chat and racetrack betting. There are 37 slots, numbered 0-36, and it’s up to the player to decide which slot the ball will land in once the wheel is done spinning. The payouts are made according to the table, and you have to make bets before the timer is up. Inside, outside and racetrack bets are available with this roulette version.
  • Realistic Roulette provides players with a new level of immersive online roulette gameplay. Players can move freely around a 3D environment, providing them with the feeling that they are in a brick and mortar casino and sitting at a real table. This game has been developed with attention to detail, so the 3D effect wheel features a perfect ball movement complete with reflections and shadows.
  • VIP Roulette is designed for the high rollers. This game enables high bets to be made for those who are experienced in the online casino gambling world.
  • Penny Roulette – As the name suggests, Penny Roulette involves making a bet for a penny before watching the wheel spin. It’s good for beginners who want to keep things simple and place small wagers, although it’s possible to bet up to 20 on a single bet.That being said, the maximum table stakes are capped at 500. As with any standard game of roulette, a player has to pick a chip value before placing it on the table and choosing a bet, then letting the wheel spin.
  • 3D Roulette – The 3D version of roulette is a good option for those who enjoy a realistic gaming experience from the comfort of their own homes. It’s a European Roulette style game, which means it’s a single 0 wheel, as opposed to the double 0 seen in American Roulette. Many options will allow players to try out 3D Roulette for free before playing real money roulette.
  • Superman Roulette – This version of roulette has a 3D wheel with 37 numbered slots between 0 and 36. After the wheel is spun in one direction, a ball is spun the opposite way. If you bet on the slot the ball lands in, you win a payout. It’s also possible in Superman Roulette to trigger the Superman Bonus feature – or the DC Super Heroes Jackpot feature. In Superman Bonus betting mode, you can place Superman Bonus tokens on up to 12 numbers. When DC Super Heroes Jackpot is enabled, the jackpot tickers light up and your total bet increases by 1%. Furthermore, a percentage of each bet you place will go towards the jackpots. There is also an autoplay method available.
  • Club Roulette offers some interesting twists on the traditional roulette game. In this version, you can place a minimum bet of 0.10 and a maximum of 50. Each bet only requires one click to place. You can also speed up the game, which means Club Roulette can offer you gaming that’s ten times faster than a traditional European Roulette game. There are also low betting limits, which means that you don’t have to be careful to avoid large losses. Plus there are Special Bets, which can be combined with Plein and Cheval bets. This edition draws many players due to the high quality graphics, the choice of bets available and the options for customising the gaming screen.
  • Dragon Jackpot Roulette offers a unique gameplay experience. There are two additional buttons which draw in players – Dragon Bonus and Dragon Jackpot. The soundtrack is reminiscent of ancient times, and has reminded people of Chinese or Macau culture. There is only one green 0 slot, making this edition similar to European Roulette. Due to the dragon jackpot element, this game is similar to progressive jackpot games. The Dragon Jackpot button on the right side of the betting table enables a player to be in with a chance of winning one of the four jackpots. Each one is colour coded and prizes can be as small as $/€60, or they could be a whopping $/€60,000. The Dragon Bonus allows you to bet on up to 12 numbers, which lets you win multipliers.
  • 1000 Diamond Bet Roulette – This version of roulette has five diamond jackpot slots. Each diamond is coloured, so there is green, red, blue, white and purple. If you place a bet on one of the diamonds and the roulette ball lands on it, you’ll receive a large jackpot as a reward. You can customise the game in other ways, such as turning quick bet on and off or selecting the lucky number option. Lucky number enables bets to be placed on all numbers touching the corners and borders of your number of choice.
  • Double Ball Roulette is fairly easy to master, as the clue is in the name – it plays like a normal game of roulette, but has two balls instead of one. Compressed air is used to shoot the balls out of a tube at the same time. As they travel at the same speed, the second ball will always be behind the first one. Although a player has two chances to win, the payout is less. For outside bets, both balls have to win, and payouts are higher. The player can also bet that both balls will last on a single number. Both balls have to be successful for outside bets to win – so if you bet on a black win, both have to land on a black number. For inside bets, on the other hand, either ball needs to be successful, but if both are, there is twice as much to be won. If both balls land in the player’s selected number, they will win a double ball jackpot.
  • Immersive Roulette – Those playing immersive roulette will find themselves experiencing the feel of a high-end casino. Multiple camera visuals and a slow motion replay feature allow you to get more out of a roulette game than you would at a brick and mortar casino. You can interact in real time with a professional dealer and other players. There are varied betting opportunities, and payouts can be as massive as 1000/1. There are also statistics available on the best players so you can use the Bet Behind feature, and you can save up to 15 bets in the favourite bets menu.
  • Shangri La Roulette – Evolution Gaming signed a deal with the Shangri La Casino in Georgia in May 2018, which allowed them to install and stream a dual play roulette table. A few months later, the table went live, and online casinos such as Unibet and LeoVegas hosted the live stream. It’s played according to single zero game rules, and provides a detailed overview of the platform, a description of the payout odds and an in-depth explanation of the bets on offer. Betting time is limited, so it’s important to pay attention to the bar at the top of the betting area. When it turns red, this means no new bets will be accepted, and if you haven’t placed a wager, you’ve missed the session. One of the bonuses to this game, and others offered by Evolution Gaming, is the fact that players can add multiple tables, giving them the chance to play several live games at once.
  • Casino Malta Dual Play Roulette – A dual play roulette table was installed at Casino Malta after Evolution Gaming signed a deal with the establishment. One of the biggest casinos in Malta, it can get incredibly busy during the weekends. Those wanting to play Casino Malta Dual Play Roulette will find it located slightly away from the slots, the smoking area and the live performances stage. Casino Malta uses a range of camera angles to provide the best view of the table and wheel, with the betting grid and table baize coloured a pale blue shade. You can place your bets on the grid using either the stats or the Racetrack, and there is also an Auto Spins facility which enables you to select either a number of spins or a balance limit, before bets then get placed automatically until they reach one of the thresholds.
  • Key Bet Roulette – This version of roulette offers a side bet, called the Key Bet, which can be played alongside your usual roulette bets. If you place a bet on the Key Bet, the pot value is displayed, which can go up to 100x the Key Bet Stake. If the ball lands in the Key Bet position, and the player has wagered on it, they will win the highlighted award.
  • Resorts Atlantic City – This edition of roulette allows players to experience the famous Atlantic City boardwalk and enter Resorts Casino – the first US casino established outside Nevada. The table is double zero dual play, and both virtual and in-person players will sit together for the immersive live casino experience.
  • Live Auto Roulette La Partage – This game was created by NetEnt, and the action goes down on a realistic layout with an automatic roulette wheel. The stakes on offer are 0.10, 0.50, 1, 5 and 25. There are additional options such as ‘Clear all bets’ ‘Undo last bet’ ‘Rebet from previous round’ and ‘Double all bets’. The good thing about Auto Roulette is the ability for players to input their favourite bets, which are saved for future use. Additionally, you can either view or hide the other players’ chips on the table, which is good if you want to avoid distraction.Predictably, this game comes with the La Partage rule, which means that half the value of all non-winning Red/Black, 1-18, 19-36 and Even/Odd bets will be returned to the player if the ball lands on the 0 slot.
  • Dragonara Roulette – This offering from Evolution Gaming is a single-zero roulette game which follows the rules of European Roulette. The tables are located in Dragonara Palace, which is a casino built in Malta in 1870. Both online and offline players visit this casino to play roulette, and the winning odds and payout are typical of any classic European roulette game. There is a unique multi game play feature which allows players to join up to four live dealer games at once, and a set of game statistics which allow punters to view the results of the last 500 rounds. The croupier and other players can be contacted using a live chat feature.

Mobile & Live Roulette

Mobile Online Roulette 

Roulette is available to play on the go, making online casinos even more appealing for busy players. Some casinos will have an app to download, which is good for those who want a dedicated experience with ease of access for logging in and returning to games. However, those who don’t want the extra storage an app would require will find their needs are met with a mobile-optimised website, which will offer the same quality and experience as the desktop site if you are dealing with a reputable casino.

Many mobile casino games will load in landscape mode, which makes full use of the screen. Unfortunately, only a select few will offer special bets and a racetrack. Software providers used for mobile roulette games include:

Common games seen with reputable mobile casino sites include:

  • European Roulette
  • VIP Roulette
  • Monopoly Roulette
  • Deal or No Deal Roulette
  • Low Stakes Roulette
  • High Limit European Roulette
  • High Limit American Roulette
  • Player Suit Roulette
  • Roulette Touch

The boat is often pushed out with live roulette tables on mobile, as the offering on these includes the same betting range and options as you will find on desktop.

Live Dealer Online Roulette 

History of live dealer games

The first classic live casinos featured a single dealer, one table and usually only offered blackjack. Now, though, many table games are the staple of live offerings, with roulette ranking among the most popular.

Live dealer games offer a player the chance to play their favourite casino games from the comfort of their own homes. First introduced in 2003, they allowed people to access live streaming and communicate with real dealers without needing to travel to a land casino or play a virtual game with no form of human contact. The additional features such as game replays and multi camera angles lead to many saying that live dealer games are better than attending a casino in person.

Online roulette live dealer games

Examples of live dealer roulette games available at online casinos include:

  • Immersive Roulette
  • Ruby Roulette
  • Auto-Roulette
  • Speed Roulette
  • Vegas Speed Roulette
  • Arabic Roulette
  • Slingshot
  • Resorts Atlantic City
  • London Roulette
  • Double Ball Roulette
  • Auto-Roulette La Partage
  • Roulette VIP
  • Shangri La Roulette
  • Casino Malta Roulette
  • Dragonara Roulette
  • Casino Aviator Roulette

Roulette Strategy

Martingale Strategy

The Martingale Strategy is seen by many as the most popular or well-known method in roulette gameplay. Players start out with a small amount, such as the table minimum, and proceed to bet the same way until they lose. When this happens, they will double the size of their bet for the next spin. By doing this, players recover the money they lost plus extra if they win. And if they keep on losing, they keep doubling the bet, as the rule still applies. Once a player wins, restart the strategy and bet the smallest amount for the next spin.

Reverse Martingale Strategy

As the name suggests, this strategy involves doing the opposite of what the Martingale Strategy instructs. In other words, you should double your bet after each win. To start out, wager the smallest amount of money possible on an even bet. Then keep flat betting the same way until you achieve a win. After that, double the size of your bet for the next spin, and when you lose, start from the top. People use this strategy due to the fact you can’t lose a lot at once, and losing streaks aren’t going to impact you much, as the minimum amount is always wagered for them. However, by using this system, the odds aren’t in your favour – even bets have a 48.6% chance of winning, due to the green 0 slot. If you’re playing American Roulette, the chances are lowered even more due to the double zero setup of the wheel.

3-Step Reverse Martingale

This strategy is good for players who want to play it safe. The general idea is to limit your bet progression to three consecutive games, upon which time you resume playing with the lowest bid you can opt for. It works well when there are winning streaks in your game, but if these are lacking, it will not be good for your losses. However, you are overall more likely to leave the game at a profit if you use this approach, as it is less aggressive.

  • Fibonacci Sequence – As the name suggests, this strategy has its basis in the Fibonacci sequence. Essentially, these numbers come in a pattern whereby the following number is the sum of the previous two. For example: 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55-89-144-233. When used for roulette betting, a player doesn’t have to start at 1, and can begin at any point, so long as the logic of the sequence is followed. That being said, when testing out such a strategy, it’s advisable to start with the lowest possible bet.
  • In practice, this sequence is used for even-money bets, such as Odd/Even and Black/Red, where the chance of winning is roughly 50%. It’s not recommended to use it for inside bets. By using the sequence numbers, this will determine how much you should bet on each session. Essentially, you will only really profit from this method if you manage to win after placing your first bet. If you win the second or third bet, you’ll be even, and anything beyond that will result in a loss, which only gets bigger the further down the sequence you go.
  • Players who win on the first bet should start the sequence again from the beginning. Those further down the line should move back two numbers in the sequence, then bet that number. This pattern continues until you’re both at the beginning of the sequence and have achieved a profit.
  • Paroli – This strategy is viewed positively by many players, as the object is the opposite of the Martingale strategy – you don’t double the wager with a loss, but with a win instead. To get started, a player should wager a single unit on an even money outcome. If the wager loses, bet a single unit again. This flat betting process continues until the wager wins, at which point two units will be bet. If this loses, simply return to wagering a single unit. But if the two-unit bet wins, double this to four units, which is the final bet of the progression. This wager will either result in a net loss of one unit or a profit of seven, whereby a new progression begins.

Constant Bet Strategy – This strategy is used by anyone who doesn’t have a particular strategy and just wants to have fun. There isn’t a particular thought process behind how they can increase their chances of ending the game with a profit. Essentially, as the name suggests, this strategy involves placing the same bet repeatedly. While this sounds simple in theory, players should choose the best kind of bet and an ideal bet size in order to have the highest chance of winning. The key tenet behind this strategy is finding a middle ground between two kinds of volatility:

  1. Low volatility: Your chances of winning big are low, but you can play roulette for longer
  2. High volatility: Your chances of winning big are high, but you could also lose everything in a flash

Constant Proportion Strategy – Those using the constant proportion strategy will wager a certain percentage of their bankroll in each spin. As a result, the sizes of the bets will change, but the way they relate to your bankroll will remain constant. It’s similar to the Constant Bet strategy, except for the fact that bet sizes remain the same whether the player is doing badly or well. If a player is experiencing a winning streak, bet sizes will keep rising, and more will be won as a result. But if they are losing, the bets will decrease in size and losses won’t accumulate as quickly.

All-In Roulette Strategy – This strategy is pretty simple – it involves wagering your entire bankroll in a single round, either once or multiple times, depending on how much you want to win. As a result, there are only two possible outcomes – achieving a huge win, or walking away with massive losses.

It’s a pretty volatile process, so it isn’t recommended for players who want to be involved with a round of roulette for a while. The only particular issue this strategy could encounter is the bet size limits imposed by the casino. It’s therefore advisable to check the casino table limits first, in order to make sure you’re actually allowed to place all of your planned bets.

D’Alembert System – This system is often used by players who want to play on the outside bets – in other words, red/black, even/odd and 1-18/19-36. The logic behind this strategy states that the frequency of winning outside bets will balance out over time. To get started, place one chip on an outside bet. If you keep winning, keep placing the same bet. If you lose, increase each bet by one chip. This means that, with your next win, you can take a chip away again. If you keep following this process, you will eventually return to the original bet of one chip. Once you reach this point, you will have made one chip for every win.

The Contra D’Alembert System – This strategy is popular because it doesn’t decimate your bankroll too much. It uses a progressive betting pattern and makes use of ‘even chance’ bets. Essentially, bets should be raised if a player wins, and lowered in the event of a loss. It follows the original D’Alembert System in that a player will begin with 1 unit, and start the progression again upon winning a profit. Broken down, this is how it works:

  • Bet a single unit on an even-chance bet (e.g. black/red, even/odd)
  • Add another unit for your bet in the next spin if you win
  • Take a unit away from your total bet if you lose
  • Repeat this process until you’ve reached either your time limit, loss limit or profit goal
  • Begin again with one unit

The Three-Two System – This little-known system aims to provide players with modest profits, won on a frequent basis. Red/black bets are combined with column bets to increase a player’s chances of winning at least once per bet on each round – while your bankroll will last for a decent amount of time. If you want to bet on 26 pockets for every spin, there are two options:

  • Place a 3 unit bet on red, and 2 units on the second column
  • Place a 3 unit bet on black, and 2 units on the third column

The logic behind this process is to cover as many pockets as possible when placing a combined unit wager, as this will increase the likelihood of a player winning a profit.

The One-Three-Two-Six System – This is considered by many to be a popular twist on the Reverse Martingale system, which doubles the bet upon a winning spin. It is essentially a positive progression system, which uses a set of numbers to raise the bet amount after every win. All players have to do is raise the bet on a win and lower it when a loss is experienced. It can be broken down in the following way:

  • Select one unit and stake an even-money bet
  • Move to bet 3 units – the second number in the set – if you win
  • Repeat this step, moving through the set, upon each win, and go back to the start if you reach the end of it
  • If you lose, return to the beginning and bet a single unit

A player can win up to 12x the starting bet in four rounds by following this progression.

The Labouchere System – For over a century, people have used the Labouchere System, which relies on even-money bets to generate a profit. Here’s how it works:

  • Select a profit goal
  • Divide the number into a set of units which equal this goal when added together
  • Add the first number in the set to the last number, and stake the units of this amount on an even-money bet
  • Cross out the first and last numbers in the set if you win
  • Use the first and last numbers of the new series to decide on how many units you will bet this time
  • Repeat the last two steps until you’ve run out of numbers in the set and reached your profit goal

The Labouchere Reverse System – This process shares many features with the original Labouchere System, but it reverses some elements, so that it uses positive bet progression to capitalise on winning streaks. These are the steps:

  • Create a series of numbers
  • Add the first and last numbers together. This digit will be your bet
  • Place units of this amount on an even-money bet of your choice
  • If you lose, cross out the first and last numbers in the series
  • Add the new first and last numbers together to create the number for your next bet
  • If you win, add the number of your winning bet to the end of this set
  • Add the new first and last numbers for the subsequent bet amount
  • Repeat this process until you either run out of numbers or reach a personal limit or profit goal

The Kavouras Bet – This strategy is less well-known than those such as Martingale and Fibonacci, but it’s an intriguing setup once you’ve got the hang of it. The basic principle is that 20 different numbers on the table will be covered via various bet alternatives. This creates a certain betting pattern which should be followed with every round:

  • Place one unit on the corner where 0-3 are located, covering all digits
  • Place two units on the numbers 31-36 (the double street)
  • Place one unit on the splits 8/11, 13/14, 15/18, 17/20, 27/30.

The total stake in this betting setup is always eight units, which means that a winning hit will be guaranteed to provide a one, four or ten unit net profit. The value of the unit can be decided by the player – it’s just important to remain consistent.

Tier et Tout – To master this strategy, you just need to do some calculations before getting started. It’s important to know what amount you’d like to start with, as this will decide what stake your first bet will be. Divide your first amount into three, and stake your first bet at one of these thirds. If you lose this bet, you can then place another bet with the remaining two thirds. Whenever you win, divide your new amount by three, and bet the first third, only betting the remaining two if you lose the first one. As a result, you’ll never be able to place more than two bets at the most with your current bankroll.

Andrucci System – There are some basic rules to follow if you’re a roulette player employing the Andrucci system. Firstly, observe and record the numbers which the ball lands on for 30 to 35 spins. Then, see which number is the luckiest out of this selection – in other words, which number the ball favours the most. Make a straight up bet on this number, and stick with it for between 15 and 25 spins, or until you make a win. Then go back to the start and observe another 30 to 35 spins, as you should only keep with a lucky number for the short term.

If you reach an amount that can’t be divided by three, round it off and put the remainder to one side as a profit. Setting aside a portion of your bankroll in this way will lead to your overall profit steadily growing much higher. Overall, the aim of this strategy is to always achieve a winning round between two bets.

  • Playing The Numbers – Players will basically bet on single numbers that haven’t been winning on the wheel in a while. This idea originates from the concept that if some numbers haven’t come up in a while, they’re more likely to win soon.
  • It follows the ‘law of large numbers’, which refers to the distribution of all numbers over a large amount of games. Therefore, the rule presumes that the numbers must occur at some point in order to fulfil this law.
  • Biased Wheels – Some players who operate using a professional wheel will use physical systems as a strategy, which often presume that there is a failure in part of the setup, such as the roulette wheel itself. For this strategy, the idea is that the wheel is not completely correct, and thus produces slightly abnormal results that can be manipulated to a player’s advantage. The reason behind such imperfections could have been caused during manufacture or installation, and there are a few ways the wheel can be affected, such as the wheel not being placed completely level.
  • This would cause some numbers to win more often. It’s worth noting, though, that although only professional players would be able to notice such small imperfections, they would overcome the house edge at such a rate that the casino would notice it fairly quickly.

Online Roulette Bonuses and Promotions

Some may have come across the term ‘roulette bonus’ before, but there aren’t technically any bonuses specifically for this category of game. Generally speaking, there will be bonuses which include an additional amount of virtual money to spend with online casino games, and/or free spins to be used on a specific game. Those who choose their casino and bonuses carefully may strike lucky and find that their free spins can be used on a roulette game, but this isn’t guaranteed.

As for welcome offers, certain types of games will be given a different weighting, as certain table games will be subject to varying house edges. Due to the fact roulettes’ house edge is pretty low, many online casino operators won’t count a large proportion of wagers toward meeting bonus playthrough conditions – and some may even exclude roulette altogether from being eligible for meeting wagering requirements. A good offer for roulette can be found with Playtech operators, and at certain individual casinos such as William Hill and InterCasino, but it’s worth doing your research and striking a balance between what you want most – a bonus reward or offer, or a variety of games in general.

The perks of being a VIP member in an online casino are undeniable. Benefits include tailored bonuses, higher table limits, a personal account manager, increased weekly payouts and faster transactions. But are there any particular benefits for those who specialise in online roulette?

There will be seasonal promotions for VIP members which include bonuses on roulette games from time to time, so players should be constantly keeping an eye on the promotions page of their online casino website in order to grab any roulette offers which come through as soon as possible. Classic table games, however, aren’t featured in promotional deals and offers too often. Most commonly, there will be a deal on slots available, because they are an easy option for players, low risk and possess a good house edge. As they are a large source of income for casinos, more money is pumped into them as a result. Therefore, there aren’t the same levels of resource available to reward players who prefer table games such as roulette.

Online Roulette Software Providers

  • NetEnt offers a range of roulette games, such as European Roulette Slot, Exclusive Virtual Live Casino, French Roulette Slot and Live Casino Roulette.
  • Playtech –  You’ll find roulette options like Age of the Gods Roulette, HTML5 Roulette, Live Prestige Roulette and Christmas Roulette.
  • Dragonfish have a plethora of roulette games with Dragonfish, such as European Roulette Pro, American Roulette, French Roulette, Low Stakes Roulette and High Limit European Roulette.
  • Novomatic – There are many roulette options on offer with Novomatic, such as Grand Roulette deluxe, American Roulette deluxe, Novomatic Electronic Roulette and Globe Roulette.
  • Evolution Gaming – It’s safe to say many online casinos want some Evolution Gaming roulette games in their collection. Examples of their offering include Immersive Roulette, European Roulette, Speed Roulette, French Roulette, Native Speaking Roulette, Live Double Ball Roulette, Dual Play Roulette and Mini Live Roulette.
  • IGT – There are a ton of roulette choices with IGT. You can check out European Roulette, Premier Roulette, Expert Roulette, Double Bonus Spin Roulette, 3 Wheel Roulette, Hot Streak Roulette and more.
  • Microgaming – You’ll find a solid collection of roulette games with Microgaming. Options include American Roulette Gold, European Roulette and Roulette Royale.
  • Ash Gaming – There are three roulette variants at Ash Gaming: 3D Roulette, Pinball Roulette and Lucky 8 Roulette.
  • Betsoft won’t let you down with their roulette options. Take a look at American Roulette, Zoom Roulette, Common Draw Roulette, European Roulette and more.
  • NextGen Gaming – Those who like NextGen Gaming are able to play Double Zero Roulette, Chinese Roulette, European Roulette or Roulette Master with this software provider.
  • Play’n’Go – The classics are available at Play’n’Go, with players able to get stuck into a game of European Roulette Pro, English Roulette, French Roulette and more.
  • Quickfire – You’ll find several roulette variants available at Quickfire. These include American Roulette, European Roulette Gold, Multi Wheel Roulette Gold, Premier Roulette, French Roulette and Multi Player Roulette.
  • Yggdrasil – This provider is working on its table game provisions, including roulette games, so watch this space!
  • NYX – You’ll find everything you need when gaming with NYX, as there is both European Roulette and Roulette Master on offer.